Tree Plantings, Pizza and Plants, and visiting Terp Farm. Sydney documented it all. Sydney Winkler (she/her) is in her second year at the Institute of Applied Agriculture as a Sustainable Agriculture major. Winkler conducted her internship at the University of Maryland in College Park, Maryland where she was a communications intern for the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. During her internship, Winkler helped run different social media pages for the Institute of Applied Agriculture, including Instagram and Twitter. She also attended IAA and AGNR events to keep the public updated on what events were going on within the college on a day-to-day basis!
She typically spent two days in the office for 6 hours and had three asynchronous days during the spring and summer semesters, starting in January through August. Winkler’s internship helped her figure out what specific path she wants to go for in her future career, which is in communications, where she wants to focus on advocating for mental health. Winkler’s favorite part of her internship was being able to attend lamb watch at the Campus Farm. One day, Winkler left lamb watch, and right after, a lamb was born, which she said was "a little disappointing." Winkler attended many events on and off campus, including the IAA Graduation, IAA Pizza and Plants, and Tree Plantings on campus and at Terp Farm in Upper Marlboro, Maryland. She even got a first look at the newly remodeled Cole Fieldhouse on campus. Winkler curated her own captions for each post using quotes from people at the various events she attended. She made sure to document it all so the public could keep up with what was happening within the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
Winkler loved being able to work in communications and public relations for the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. She got to meet a lot of different people, including AGNR Alumni, Staff, and Faculty everywhere she went. This internship helped Winkler improve her public speaking skills, and she took so many cool pictures and videos along the way, like these photos she took on her trip to TerpFarm!