
Hands-On UMD Campus Jobs

April 2, 2019

The University of Maryland offers work opportunities for students to obtain hands-on experience, using up-to-date technology to preform industry-specific research. I had the opportunity to work at the Paint Branch Turfgrass Research Facility for my summer internship, as well as the University’s Research Greenhouse during my first year. These experiences exposed me the variety of resources our university has to help students learn and obtain work experience.

My academic advisor, Ken Ingram helped me obtain both of my positions. His connections within the University, showed me the importance of networking, obtaining good recommendations, and having successful relationships with employers. Making connections with people whom have occupations related to my industry, will assist me when applying for jobs.

Working at the greenhouse pushed me to take part in activities besides schoolwork and provided a healthy outlet to escape redundant dorm life. Not only did the staff accommodate my busy schedule, they provided academic insight and boosted my confidence. The greenhouse offered me peace of mind--something that is difficult to come by on such a busy campus. Replacing irrigation lines, sanitizing greenhouse rooms, transplanting new and old plants, and taking out the trash were my main priorities. All of which in their own way, taught me something new. I was able to learn from the tasks that were given to me, as well as distract myself from the pressure of school.

My internship at the Paint Branch Turfgrass Facility was an excellent choice, despite it not being what I anticipated. I expected to be undervalued as an employee and poor working conditions. What I received, however, was a different task every day, given to me by people who cared, and were interested in seeing that I learned from and understood the tasks I performed. I was not convinced at first, that growing grass for research purposes could be entertaining, but research protocol demands people to be mindful of detail. This internship kept me on my toes, by teaching me how to interpret environmental factors will affect a product. I was advised to do more than what I was told; I was expected to make judgements on the turf species I handled. On top of paying attention to weather, I had to be vigilant in scouting diseases and insects for damage control purposes in both the turfgrass facility and greenhouse.

Absorbing relevant information and associating with people who are important to your goals, can boost a student’s confidence and provide insight to things you weren't aware of before.  Upon my acceptance at the IAA, the staff offered their hand in assuring I have the tools necessary to jumpstart my career. I encourage all students to utilize opportunities given to you and work with people who have similar ideas in order for you to achieve your own goals.