Amy Fisher has been named the IAA’s first Distinguished Lecturer. She will hold this title for the upcoming academic year 2021-2022. This award recognizes an outstanding IAA faculty member who has demonstrated extraordinary performance in teaching, creative activity, and service to the department.
The awards committee commended Fisher's leadership in ensuring consistency across the 80+ sections of INAG 110 that the IAA offers each year. As the course coordinator for INAG 110—a course that reaches more than 1500 students per school year, Fisher has worked tirelessly to provide support to the faculty and lead discussions and group decision making about the course.
Fisher, who joined the IAA faculty in 2014, is praised by her colleagues for providing teaching support and for her participation in the working group funded by a Provost’s Teaching Innovation Grant to develop an online course shell for virtual instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Additionally, the committee acknowledged Fisher's outstanding teaching record and engaging teaching style, stating that “she engages her students with a natural, effective rapport.” The IAA’s Award Committee noted that “although many students initially fear public speaking, Fisher outlines her expectations so clearly and provides so many tools that her students feel empowered to tackle their major speech assignments.”
Fisher’s students are fortunate indeed and the Institute of Applied Agriculture is equally fortunate to have her as a faculty member.