
Internship Spotlight: Emma Hoch

November 9, 2020 Ben Schiner

Who is Emma Hoch? She is a second-year Agricultural Business Management student at the IAA, and so much more. Hoch is a hard-working, dedicated person who is constantly working toward her end goal of nursing by gathering all types of knowledge and skills. This past summer in the face of a pandemic, Hoch still found a way to help in her community. 

Hoch interned at Kentland’s Nutrition in Gaithersburg, Maryland. She spent her summer making such health foods as delicious smoothies. She helped coach people in healthy lifestyle choices while educating them on proper nutrition. She witnessed a positive impact on her community and found it a rewarding experience to guide people on proper nutrition. 

This was a great internship for Hoch because she is interested in nutrition and health as they go hand in hand with her passion of medicine and nursing. It was a way for her to help in the community while learning from those around her. She instilled a sense of confidence and motivation her customers, which coincides with perfectly with her goal of working in the medical field. 

Hoch said, “This internship prepared me for life after college by giving me first hand experience in dealing with customers and their personal health needs.”  There are many different fields of nursing, and many of them correlate to people’s diets and nutrition. This was a positive experience for Hoch because she could potentially be spending a lot of time in the future helping with that exact thing.

Shown above is Emma posing with a menu Kentland’s nutrition.