
IAA’s Ground Hog Day (Otherwise known as an External Review)

January 31, 2019

As Ground Hog’s Day approaches this year, I feel a strong connection to Punxsutawney Phil.  No, not because I have not decided burrow destructive tunnels to annoy farmers and homeowners.  But because the IAA had to come out from beneath our comfortable UMD cover, stick our heads into the spotlight and predict the future.  Officially, that’s called an external review.

Each academic unit at the university undergoes periodic external reviews to assess the unit’s strengths and weaknesses and to provide recommendations. During the fall of 2018, it was our turn.  First, IAA reviewed our accomplishments, challenges and growth during the past five years; then, we conducted a self-analysis; developed a strategic plan for moving forward; and hosted an external review team that represented four different universities.

The self-study, which covered the period from 2012-2017, revealed a period of enormous growth and development for the IAA. Over this five-year span, we made great strides toward becoming an integrated part of the University of Maryland. We received campus approval for 28 of our courses; reached an agreement with the Provost that allows IAA students to receive resident credit for UMD-approved courses; began to contribute substantially to the University’s General Education needs; added a new concentration; created and implemented the Agriculture Forward program, a unique transfer-advantage program that allows qualified students to pursue their certificate and a bachelor’s degree at the same time; and tripled the number of IAA faculty.  During the year that followed, we added another concentration—Agricultural Leadership and Communication—and welcomed our largest incoming class of students in more than two decades.

Of course, great growth brings surmountable challenges.  For us, those challenges surfaced in record keeping, transcripts, admissions, and funding. As we move ahead, some items in our Strategic Plan focus on automation, efficiency and updating the administrative processes between the University of Maryland and the IAA.  And, with more students, we would like to offer more scholarships.

As part of our external review, the team met with a couple dozen IAA alumni and industry representatives who were generous with their time and honest with their comments. I extend my thanks to all of you.  The external team wrote: “The connection the IAA has with Maryland’s agricultural community is very strong. It is apparent that the representatives of the industry respect what is being accomplished... This sound relationship is critical today and going forward to maintain the relevance seen in the curriculum of the eight IAA programs making the entry into the workforce warmly welcomed by Maryland agricultural employers.”

In addition, the team emphatically noted something that we at the IAA have always known: “Alumni are another strength of the IAA. In meeting with alumni and industry stakeholders the committee was impressed with the broad range of stakeholders that were present, the trans-generational representation of program alumni, and the enthusiasm in which they spoke about how the IAA had helped them launch or further their careers.”

Finally, I want acknowledge a deep gratitude to the IAA’s faculty and staff; they are the best!  The opening paragraph of the external team’s report on the IAA’s strengths began: “The IAA has several readily identifiable strengths. At the top of list is the strong and capable leadership of its Director and dedicated commitment of the staff and faculty to the IAA’s mission. The committee noted a tenor of esprit de corps within the IAA...”  Later in the report, the review team concisely stated: “Current students see the IAA instructors as the unit’s primary strength.”

So, where do we go from here?

The IAA will continue to recruit students and provide a top-notch, hands-on education to develop the workforce for Maryland’s agricultural communities; elevate our service to our College and University; and enhance and enrich the environment for IAA students, faculty and staff. 

The review was enlightening and beneficial in outlining the next chapter for the IAA.  In the end, it turned out the IAA is well-suited to pop its head out and predict many more years of academic and career success for our students.