Academic Integrity
Academic dishonesty jeopardizes the quality of education and depreciates the genuine achievements of students. Students, faculty, and staff share the responsibility of assuring academic integrity and are expected to recognize and report acts of apparent dishonesty.
Academic dishonesty is a serious offense which may result in suspension or expulsion from the Institute of Applied Agriculture. Students suspected of academic dishonesty will be referred to the university’s Office of Student Conduct to have their cases reviewed and appropriate action taken.
Academic Reinstatement
Students must apply in writing to the Director for reinstatement if they (1) have been academically dismissed, (2) are ineligible for readmission, or (3) have withdrawn from all courses their last term.
Except for cases of immediate reinstatement, students must apply for reinstatement 30 days prior to the first day of classes for the semester in which they are seeking reinstatement. Students requesting immediate reinstatement must submit their Application for Reinstatement at least 14 days prior to the first day of classes.
Change of Major
Please complete this electronic form with your academic advisor to formally request to change your IAA major.
Enhancement Fund
This application form serves as a request for IAA Enhancement Funds to cover expenses students incur attending educational conferences, trade association meetings, field days, and similar events. Typical expenses are registration fees and travel.
The University of Maryland adheres to the policy of compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). FERPA is a Federal law that protects a student’s privacy interest in his or her education records. FERPA provides that educational institutions may disclose education records, or personally identifiable information from such records, only if an eligible student has provided prior written consent. IAA students must provide a completed and signed release form each semester to any individual IAA faculty and/or staff member whom they would allow to disclose information. IAA students may download a FERPA release form from the IAA website.
For the complete UMD policy on access to and release of student data information see the current edition of the Undergraduate Catalog.
FERPA Release for Recommendation
Before students can request a faculty/staff member writes a letter of recommendation or serves as a reference, you must complete this form. This form gives permission to the faculty/staff member to disclose information from your educational record.
Graduation Application
Congratulations, upcoming IAA graduates!
In order to graduate, please download and complete the IAA Graduation Application, and fill out your information survey for the graduation news release. Materials are due by the fifth day after the start of classes.
Internship Agreement Form
In order to be eligible for a Certificate in Applied Agriculture, IAA students must satisfy an Agricultural Practicum requirement of 320 hours. Each spring, the IAA coordinates an internship workshop that outlines all requirements. Upcoming summer interns: download, complete, and submit your agreement to your IAA advisor.
Permission to Enroll Form
All current IAA students wishing to take a course off-campus must submit a Permission to Enroll (PTE) form and have it approved by the IAA. Please note if you want the course to satisfy a University or degree requirement, please also complete this form
Scholarship Application
These scholarships are only available for students of the Institute of Applied Agriculture. Funds are awarded directly through the IAA. Please download, read, and fill out the form carefully, then submit your completed application to Room 3330 of Symons Hall.
Please note: there is one application form that covers multiple IAA scholarships. The annual due dates are January 5 for Spring scholarship applications, and May 31 for Fall applications.
Waiver of Continuous Registration
Students in good academic standing may opt to take a semester or two off for health, financial, or personal reasons. Please complete this form and return it to the IAA office.